How An 8-hour Car Trip Led to Australia’s First Electric Bike Subscription Service

Startups, E-bikes, and Sustainable Transportation

‘I wasn’t sure if my next step was to start my own business but I knew I wanted to contribute to solving one of the big challenges of our age.’ – Dan Carr, Co-founder of Lug & Carrie.

Lug & Carrie was recently featured on the website Planet B, a great spot for positive conversations and news about the environment, social change, and other big challenges. Co-founder Dan discussed the origin of Lug & Carrie, the power of e-bikes, and four reasons why the Lug & Carrie e-bike subscription provides a great opportunity to make the switch to a more sustainable form of transportation.

Please check it out over on the Planet B website!

Discover your dream ride!

Our test rides kick off with a quick chat to match you with the perfect eBike to meet your lifestyle. Then, you’ll grab a helmet and head out for a spin. Our friendly team will accompany you every pedal of the way, ensuring you’re equipped with all the tips and tricks you need.

Book a test ride

Find out for yourself how much fun you can have on a Lug+Carrie.

Build your eBike

Use our eBike Builder to tailor a bike setup to your lifestyle.

Ask us anything!

Book a time to chat with us if you’ve got questions or want to sign up.